Should you ever find yourself walking along a marsh or swamp in the darkest hour of the night, you may witness a haunting light over the still water. Over the centuries, it’s been called by many names—the French call it…
Steal Like an Artist Review and Summary
Steal Like and Artist by Austin Kleon, review and summary. Good art begets good art. Want to become a better writer? Read more. Want to draw better? Study the greats. In this post, we’ll explore how to steal like an artist the right way. Because there’s nothing new under the sun, but what makes great art is how YOU see the world.
Letting go of expectations and outcomes
I don’t believe in coincidences. I believe in signs. Today, I came across the same idea twice. It was something I’d never quite considered before—the idea that in order to live a free and fulfilling, joyful life, you must not…
The Savannah Axe Murders (The Gribble House)
The Savannah Axe Murders If you’ve ever taken a tour in Savannah, you may have heard of the Savannah Axe murders of 1909. On December 10, 1909, three women were attacked and stuck with an axe. The crime occurred at…
Cockspur Island Lighthouse
Cockspur Island Lighthouse If you drive over the causeway from Savannah, Georgia to Tybee Island, you’ll notice a small lighthouse in the Savannah River. It captured my interest the first time I saw it. Often times, the lighthouse is inaccessible…
Black Cats Superstition and Folklore
History of Black Cats Superstition You may be familiar with black cats superstition. Throughout the centuries and numerous cultures, superstitions surrounding black cats have varied. Are black cats lucky or unlucky? Some believe crossing a black cat to be fortunate,…
Historic True Crime Case: Marie Lafarge
The story of Marie Lafarge reads like a gothic novel. A well-bred, attractive woman living in a mansion in the country, married to a man she doesn’t love, sounds like a tale we’d all like to read. And read, people did. Her…
The Girl with the Mysterious Powers | Alice Belle Kirby
Alice Belle Kirby Strange things were happening in Jonesville, LA, in 1938. Alice Belle Kirby was thirteen years old at the time and was described as having light wavy brown hair with grey-blue eyes. She was the seventh child of…
Rabbit, Rabbit: How Rabbits Become Lucky
Hello and welcome to another episode of Fabled. This month, I’m trying something new and will be releasing 20 short, fun, and fascinating episodes in a challenge I’m calling Fabled February. I’ll be attempting to share an episode every weekday…
The Foley House Inn
The Foley House Inn is one of the infamous historical places in Savannah, Georgia. Because of its dark history, tourists daily walk by the house on one of the city’s many tours. Though lovely, it’s not the architecture that draws…
The Fasting Woman of Tutbury, Ann Moore
The Fasting Woman of Tutbury, Ann Moore had a rough life, and though she may have been an imposter, the fact remains, she lived on remarkably little sustenance for years.
Brave Little Ada
There once was a little girl named Ada who lived with her aunt and uncle in a cottage near the woods. Sometimes when she was sent to bed, Ada would cry because she was afraid of the dark. Her uncle…