A little fool lies here Whom I held dear- A starling in the prime Of his brief time, Whose doom it was to drain Death’s bitter pain. Thinking of this, my heart Is riven apart. These are the words Mozart professed when…
Stoney Creek Chapel
Stoney Creek Presbyterian Chapel Not too long ago, my husband and I had to travel to Yemassee, South Carolina for an errand. I quickly looked up things for us to do in the area. Yemassee is a small area, so…
The Haunted Crescent Hotel
Eureka Springs, Arkansas, is often said to be the little Switzerland of America because of its mountainous terrain and winding streets. It’s also been called “The Magic City” and “The Stairstep Town” because of its unique legends and design. There…
Alabama Ghost Stories: Girl on Fire
On February 4, 1908, Condie Cunningham and her friends were in their dorm room on a typical night at what’s now the University of Montevallo. They decided to make some hot cocoa on a smuggled Bunsen burner. Somehow the burner…
Things to Know Before Visiting Savannah, GA
Are you planning to visit Savannah, GA? Whether you’re just exploring the idea of traveling to Savannah or are about to arrive, here’s some things to know before visiting Savannah, GA. WHAT IS SAVANNAH FAMOUS FOR First, let’s discuss why…