Some paranormal tales are more unbelievable than others. The Ghost Bus of London is one of those odd stories that may leave you scratching your head.
Dating back to the 1930s, a red double-decker ghost bus would drive recklessly in the North Kensington area of London. It would fly through the intersection at precisely 1:15 am at Cambridge Gardens and St. Marks Road. The only identification of the bus was a large number 7 on its side.
If you’re like me, you may be thinking that there has to be some rational explanation. There must be some horrible driver causing such a scene. Surely the bus wouldn’t just disappear. Here’s the thing, witnesses claimed to have almost been hit by the bus, and when they turned around after narrowly escaping their death, the bus was gone. Totally disappeared. Hundreds of witnesses reported similar near misses.
People claimed that they’d be walking across the road, and there would be no vehicles in sight when suddenly, the ghostly bus would appear in the middle of the street, racing toward them. This happened to drivers too. The bus would appear and head straight toward motorists. Every time, pedestrians and drivers would look back only to see that the phantom bus had disappeared. Was it ever there at all?
If you enjoy odd and obscure hauntings of the road, check out the Hairy Hands of Dartmoor.
The Ghost Bus and the Fatal Crash of June 1934
The phantom bus is often blamed for the death of twenty-five-year-old Ian Beaton. Beaton was driving a small motor car that collided with the car behind him. Some locals believed the ghost bus was to blame for Beaton’s ultimate death.
Witness accounts often mentioned bright lights, associating them with the ghost bus. Whatever caused the bright lights made people believe they were being rundown or were about to be hit, causing them to react. Those reactions sometimes led to accidents.
With narrow roads and unsafe drivers, the intersection was a well-known danger. Since the area’s reconstruction, the ghost bus seems to have disappeared from history. But ever so often, a paranormal researcher or those (like me) who love a weird ghostly tale will share the story, forever keeping the haunted memory of those who’ve witnessed Ghost Bus No. 7.